Past Organizers

Alyssa Giannini (OZF 2015-2018) is a mover, a shaker and a zine maker. They have been putting out DIY guides and perzines under the banner of Craft or DIY since 2011. When they’re not tediously binding zines, they can generally be found tending to their plants, laughing at their own jokes, or behind the lens of a camera at the matinee punk gig.

Carrie B. Born
(OZF 2015)

retired lady heavy equipment operator &
long-haul truck driver
with master’s degree,
now blue-collar poet, artist, &
caretaker of typewriters.

Chelsea Baker (OZF 2015-2016) began making zines in high school, but didn’t know what a zine was until college. Since then, she has produced an impressively large body of work, primarily comprised of the Daily Comics she started at the end of 2008. In almost seven years, she’s never missed a day. Her other non-fiction comics cover subjects as varied as the genetic science of Down syndrome and a first-hand account of sex work. She spent several years as the director of the Olympia Comics Festival and squanders too much of her free time making cutesy faces at cats.

Chris Sabatini (OZF 2017) is a local cartoonist who self-publishes pamphlets every now and again.  He is also running for mayor of Olympia in 2056.  He almost never looks at the internet, but he’s not anti-social.  He works at the library.

Kelsey Smith (OZF 2015-2023) is a librarian, letterpress printer, zine creator, mother, and East coast transplant residing in Olympia, Washington. She believes in animals, constructive activism and community organizing, the all ages movement, and coffee. Kelsey founded the zine collection at the Olympia Timberland Library, which is now over 1,500 zines strong and growing.

Kelsey updates her press page sporadically with new zines and other letterpress detritus:

Naomi (OZF 2015-2018) lives in the damp and wonderfully overcast Pacific Northwest where they like to create things and take notes. They made a zine on accident in 2007 and have been carrying on ever since. When it comes down to it, all they want to do is dance. Arbitrary attempts at communication can be directed to:

Nicki (OZF 2015-2023) is a zine-loving introvert who is thankful for friends made while co-organizing this annual celebration. Favorite memories include meeting several zine heroes, dreaming big with Team OZF at the old Community Print on 4th Avenue (which perpetually smelled like falafel), OZF’s little zine library at Obsidian, and end-of-fest zine brunches. Nicki will miss being an organizer, but is also excited to see where the ship sails from here!

Sage Adderley (OZF 2015-2017) is a witchy mama of three humans and two cats. She is passionate about kindness, mental health awareness, fat activism, and the DIY lifestyle. Sage is the owner of Sweet Candy Distro & Press, Sage’s Blog Tours, author of Invoking Nonna, and writes the personal zine, Marked For Life. She is also the creator of the body positive zine, FAT-TASTIC!

Sage was the brainchild for starting a zine fest in Olympia. Thank you for your amazine ideas Sage!